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Change The Username Like Single Website
- Once there you’ll need to navigate to your wp_users table1 and
- change the ‘user_login’ for the effected user to something a bit more unique
- than say ‘admin’ or ‘sitename’.
- Perfect. We’d be good to go if we weren’t a Super Admin.
- If you try to access the role now you’ll see you don’t have access to your super admin privileges anymore. Not good.
Keep Super Admin Privileges
- The fix to this particular problem is a little more tricky.
- You’ll need to navigate to your wp_sitemeta table and look for the meta_key ‘site_admins’ and
- you should see something like “a:1:{i:0;s:5:”admin”;}” in the meta_value field.
- All we need to do at this point is change that to “a:1:{i:0;s:12:”new-username”;}“.
- Basically you’re replacing “admin” with “new-username” and
- since “admin” is 5 characters long and “new-username” is 12 characters long
- we change “s:5” to “s:12”. That should do it.
- You should now be able to login with your new username and still have network admin privileges.
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