Step 1 – Install the Laravel 9 Project
Before creating this project, ensure you have the Laravel environment on your computer. Now open the windows terminal and run this command.
Once Laravel is installed, then we will go to the next step
Step 2 – Configured Database
Use your database user name and password to the project
Step 3 – Creating Login and Registration Form
For the Authentication system, we need to know what is required to create a complete system. For this project, we need the login and registration form with some staff. In this Laravel auth project, we will use bootstrap to create a user’s login and registration form.
We need to run this command to add laravel login and registration to your project. Laravel has good optimization; you don’t have to do it manually. Laravel will do that for you. Now run this command.
composer requires laravel/ui
php artisan ui bootstrap –auth
After running this commends in our Laravel project, it will generate some controllers in your auth project directory. It will create a folder called Auth under appHttpControllersAuththere you can find all stuff for your authentication system.
Here you can find
- ConfirmPasswordController.php
- ForgotPasswordController.php
- LoginController.php
- RegisterController.php
- ResetPasswordController.php
- VerificationController.php
Here you can modify it as per your project requested.
Also, it will make some views in your resource directory. It’s in the resourcesviewsauth folder.
Step 4 – Configure Bootstrap in Laravel 9
Now we will add Bootstrap 5 CDN to our project. For that, we have to go to the file resourcesviewslayoutsapp.blade.php add these 2 lines
After that, it will look like this
Our view is ready. Now we have to go to the next step.
Step 5 – Run and Test the Project
Before we run the project, we need to migrate the database in our project. For that, we have to run this commend
Now we can run our project. For that, we have to run this commend
Once the project runs, we can see the Login And Register button on our home page’s top right side.
Finally, we created this project with laravel auth. Laravel authentication is very high. So don’t worry about the login security. Happy coding!!!
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